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“Time may not heal all wounds. Some take awhile to even show up.”


A TriWest / VA Community Care Provider

A non-surgical, non-pharmaceutical solution.

Helping veterans return to pain-free mobility.




No Surgery, No Drugs, Just Results

With a 95% success rate of returning patients to pain free mobility without surgery or drugs our program offers a unique and highly effective approach to the treatment of back pain. Treating old nagging injuries or a new insult to the back, our solution incorporates very specialized equipment and a variety of protocols that are clinically proven to be effective and long term.  In concert with our multi-discipline approach that includes aspects of physical therapy, chiropractic, bio-mechanics, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle guidance, physical fitness, balance and mobility and much more.


Clinically Proven Program

Our program is one of the few rehab back programs based on clinically proven research (See Study page 22). Through the use of specific advanced proprietary equipment, combined modalities and proven therapy protocols our patients enjoy fast pain reduction and long term results without the risk of surgery, pharmaceuticals or prolonged don tie for recovery.

Proven In Practice

Our program is not only clinically proven, but proven every day in practice.  Click here  to read a few of the reviews from our patients, 

Substantial Cost Benefits

Our program saves the patient the risks associated with surgery and pharmaceuticals and also benefits the insurance provider by avoiding the costs associated with hospitalization, surgery, anesthetics, post surgery mechanical aids and additional post procedure therapies. With a success rate of over 95% compared to the 36% success of surgery.


The Bottom Line

Our program works. It's clinically based and patient proven. It is a small investment of time and resources in comparison to the cost and risks of the alternatives.  You have little to lose other than your pain, and so much to gain by the effort.


Table of Contents 

To follow is an overview of the essential component within the vertebrae axial decompression back program cycle of care and ancillary therapies.


No Surgery, No Drugs, Just Results 2

Clinically Proven Program 2

Substantial Cost Benefits 2

The Bottom Line 2

Introduction 3

Back Pain ICD 10 CM Codes 5

Program Overview 7

Program Comparison 7

Modality vs. Result 8

Cost Comparison 8

What to Expect 9

Intake session to set up your treatment program 9

Medical Evaluation and Therapy Designation 9

Initial Pain Relief Protocols 9

NuBack Institute Therapy Circle of Care 10

The Basic Steps 10

Chiropractic Evaluation with Posture Mapping 10

Vibration / Traction Table 12

Back Chair W/Unweighting 12

Unweighting Treadmill 12

NASA Designed AterG 13

Back Stretch Chair 13

Ceragem Massage Bed 13

Overhead Off-Weighting Track 14

Stretch Cage 15

Back Chair Exercises 15

Vibration Exercises 16

Balance & Mobility 16

Health & Fitness 16

Additional Components 17

Biomechanics & Deep Tissue Release 17

Massage Therapy 17

Acupuncture 18

Conclusion 18


Clinic Study Summary 22

Contact Us 24

No Surgery, No Pain, Just results. 24


Back Pain ICD 10 CM Codes

Typical diagnosis codes treated with our protocol & modality

Our program successfully treats acute and chronic back pain (LBP) as represented by these 27 typical ICD 10 CM Codes.  The following is not a conclusive list, but an inclusive one.  Our current records indicate success with over 125 separate and distinct ICD 10 CM diagnostic codes.

M54:     Dorsalgia

M540:   Panniculitis affecting regions of neck and back

M5400:  Site unspecified.

M54.01: Occipito-atlanto-axial region.

M54.02: Cervical region.

M54.03: Cervicothoracic region.

M54.04: Thoracic region.

M54.05: Thoracolumbar region.

M54.06: Lumbar region.

M54.07: Lumbosacral region.

M54.08: Sacral and sacrococcygeal region.

M54.09: Panniculitis affecting regions, neck and back, multiple sites in the spine.
M541:    Radiculopathy

M54.10: Site unspecified.
M54.11: Occipito-atlanto-axial region.
M54.12: Cervical region.

M54.13: Cervicothoracic region.
M54.14: Thoracic region.
M54.15: Thoracolumbar region.
M54.16: Lumbar region.
M54.17: Lumbosacral region.
M54.18: Sacral and sacrococcygeal region
M542:    Cervicalgia
M543:    Sciatica
M54.30: Unspecified side.
M54.31: Right side.
M54.32: Left side.
M544:    Lumbago with sciatica
M54.40: Unspecified side.
M54.41: Right side.
M54.42: Left side.
M545:    Low back pain
M546:    Pain in thoracic spine
M548:    Other Dorsalgia
M54.81: Occipital neuralgia.
M54.82: Other dorsalgia.



Program Overview

The program breaks down into three phases. Pain Mitigation, Damage Repair, Strengthening. 

In the first phase all treatments and therapies - and homework deals with getting the patient out of acute pain as quickly as possible.  It is important in this phase to go easy in therapy and at work or home. Avoid any movements that might be even slightly uncomfortable.  Don’t try and stretch your way through an injury.  Rest, ice & heat in alteration, and do nothing to further insult the injury. 

In the second phase we will start to create the solutions needed to help create damage repair, proper alignment of structure with muscle and soft tissue interaction. There will be movements and treatment the therapist will ask to be continued outside of the therapy sessions to accelerate the repair process. However, the loss of immediate pain does not return you to fully normal activity to put undue stress on the injured area. This is a time of rebuilding and realignment.

Once the first two phases are complete we will work with you to strengthen the damaged area and its surrounding support structure to help prevent future injury or  damage to the area of focus.


Program Comparison

There are many programs out there that deal with back pain and injury. However, outside of a full surgical solution, ours is the only program based on clinical research with peer reviewed publications to support its empirical evidence of success experienced by over 95% of our patients.

The following chart shows a result comparison to all of the other major back program modalities, and the results provided by that course of treatment.


Modality vs. Result
















Cost Comparison

Our program is more cost effective compared to the only other long term solution, Surgery.  Typical disc surgery will range from $20,000 with insurance and $50,000 uninsured (citation: 2020 report).  This does not include the pharmaceuticals (short and long term), braces, walker, or the $2,500 in projected post-op Physical Therapy.


Also there is usually a minimum of 2 weeks downtime (7-8 days off work) followed by a 8-16 week post-op recovery time. 


Our total program is five to six thousand dollars, that is usually 75% less than surgery, and is three times as effective. Our program requires no pharmaceuticals, no mechanical aids, and no down time during treatment. Total treatment time, including strength training, is usually less than 8 weeks.


What to Expect

In short, great results. The program is relatively easy, quick and provides permanent results. The cost comparison to surgery - the only other permanent solution -  is very favorable as is the total recovery time, the reduced risk factor, and the results are 95% compared to surgery that has a 30% success rate. It is also worth noting that our program returns you to a pre-injury state of mobility and function which surgery seldom is able to do even with extensive physical therapy post op. We also are a non-pharmaceutical solution reducing that risk cycle as well.


Intake session to set up your treatment program

On your first visit we will take a patient history and discuss treatment options, and choose the best program plan for your treatment.  We will then schedule you for an included medical evaluation with the best practitioner to meet your needs and begin your treatment.  45-60 min.


Medical Evaluation and Therapy Designation

On your second visit you will be seen by a medical practitioner who will do an in-depth evaluation of your challenges, go over past treatments, discuss injuries and review your overall physical state.  A custom program will be tailored to meet three primary goals 1) short term pain relief 2) correcting the root issues 3) long term stability to keep you out of pain.  60-90 min.


Initial Pain Relief Protocols

The next series of appointments will be to work on pain relief and evaluate various protocols to provide you the most effective treatment to meet both short term and long term goals. 3 to 6 60 min treatments.


NuBack Institute Therapy Circle of Care

NuBack Institute offers a unique and highly effective approach to the treatment of back pain.  It incorporates very specialized equipment and a variety of protocols that are clinically proven to be effective and long term.  In concert with our multi-discipline approach that includes aspects of physical therapy, chiropractic, bio-mechanics, massage, acupressure, acupuncture, diet and lifestyle guidance, physical fitness, balance and mobility and much more.


The Basic Steps

This program represents the framework for our successful back pain solution.  However every patient and every injury is unique.  But we do see immediate results in pain reduction, and most patients experience permanent solutions quickly. 


Chiropractic Evaluation with Posture Mapping

Defines Your Posture, Measures Postural Lean (Forward/Negative), Measures Lateral Curves, Measures Symmetry, Light Treatment and Alignment as needed. 

Physical Therapist Evaluation & Testing

During your initial evaluation, your physical therapist will ask you several questions about your condition, previous level of function and how is your present condition affecting the way you live. The initial evaluation is necessary for your PT specialist to understand what you are dealing with and create the proper program within our cycle of care.















































Vibration / Traction Table

Treat Spasms, Guarding and Swelling

Improves Circulation (Decreases Swelling)

Minimizes Guarding

Reduces Muscle Spasms

Promotes Disc Hydration

Achieves Unwinding Of Vertebra


Back Chair W/Unweighting

Relax Muscles and Eliminate Pain

Relaxes Back Muscles

Increases Range of Motion

Activates Core Muscles

Corrects Posture


Unweighting Treadmill

Removes Pain

Improves Circulation

Improves Balance

Increase Muscle Fiber Recruitment


NASA Designed AlterG

Video Evaluation And Corrects Gait

Treadmill Sensor Plate Evaluates Strike

Relieves and Corrects Hip, Knee And Ankle

Reduces & Eliminates Pain

Improves Stamina & Circulation

Improves and Strengthens Balance & Mobility

Increase Muscle Fiber Recruitment

Replaces Aqua Therapy with Additional Benefits


Back Stretch Chair

Improve Flexibility

Increase Range of Motion

Safely Improves flexibility


Ceragem Massage Bed

Low Inferred Spinal Treatment


Spinal Alignment

Break Up Scar Tissue

Decrease Lactic Acid

Release Muscle Spasms

Increase Lymphatic Flow

Improve Range Of Motion

Improve Body Awareness

Make Recovery More Efficient and Effective

Relieve Muscle Pain

Relieve Back, Neck, Knee and Shoulder Pain

Improve Posture

Relieve Muscle Stiffness

Ease Aches Associated With Arthritis

Increase Blood Circulation

Promote Relaxation, Relieve Stress and Fatigue

Promote Deep Sleep

Boost Immune System


Overhead Off-Weighting Track

Creates Real-World Therapy Opportunity

Replaces Parallel Bars

Allows Practical Real-Life Obstacle Therapy

Increases Range of Motion

Activates Core Muscles

Improves Circulation

Improves Balance

Increase Muscle Fiber Recruitment


Stretch Cage

Improves Flexibility & Increases Range of Motion

Safely Improves flexibility

Improves Stamina & Circulation

Improves and Strengthens Balance & Mobility

Increase Muscle Fiber Recruitment


Back Chair Exercises

Engage & Strengthen Spine

Isolates Large Muscles

Works Small Spinal Muscles

Improves Posture

Stabilizes the Pelvis



Vibration Exercises

Strengthens the Core

Improves Balance

Isolates Muscle Groups

Improves Bone Density

Enhances Blood Flow & Circulation


Balance & Mobility

Improves Freedom of Movement

Protects against future injury

Strengthens Core and Independence


Health & Fitness

Addresses Life Choices

Promotes Healthy Eating

Addresses Weight Issue Options

Provides Access To Fitness Equipment & Trainer



Additional Components

These additional disciplines may be used as needed throughout the cycle of care as determined by your primary practitioner to augment and speed your recovery.


Biomechanics & Deep Tissue Release

Your muscles have a memory.  Some good, and some detrimental to your recovery and progress.  Often your muscle memory will fight treatment as we try and help your body relearn proper functionality. Biomechanics and deep tissue release deals directly with these issues, releasing the memory to allow for the muscles to relearn their function and place in a healthy system.  This is also used to straighten and loosen fascia and break up scar tissue that may hinder recovery and proper healing.


Massage Therapy

Reduced muscle tension

Improved circulation

Stimulation of the lymphatic system

Reduction of stress hormones relaxation

Increased joint mobility and flexibility

Improved skin tone

Improved recovery of soft tissue injuries



Modern research has demonstrated acupuncture's effects on the nervous system, endocrine and immune systems, cardiovascular system, and digestive system. By stimulating the body's various systems, acupuncture can help to resolve pain, and improve sleep, digestive function, and sense of well-being.



This program, unlike any other physical therapy program, is based on scientific and clinical research and is a proven long term solution to back and spinal issues.  It is based on published research and can be found on PUBMED at


This research can be found under the title: “Comparison of 2 Multimodal Interventions With and Without Whole Body Vibration Therapy Plus Traction on Pain and Disability in Patients With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain”  (See summary to follow)


It is also empirically proven by the results we have achieved for our patients over the years. 


Our program, if followed, will provide quick pain mitigation, proper repair - including the treatment of herniations and other debilitating injuries historically addressed with surgery - and provide a long term solution without the need for ongoing pharmaceutical support or intervention.


It is both time & cost effective with clinically proven long term results.


Clinic Study Summary

1: Maddalozzo GF, Kuo B, Maddalozzo WA, Maddalozzo CD, Galver JW. 

Comparison of 2 Multimodal Interventions With and Without Whole Body Vibration Therapy Plus Traction on Pain and Disability in Patients With Nonspecific Chronic Low Back Pain. J Chiropr Med. 2016 Dec;15(4):243-251. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2016.07.001.

Epub 2016 Aug 25. 1. J Chiropr Med. 2016 Dec;15(4):243-251. doi: 10.1016/j.jcm.2016.07.001. Epub 2016 Aug 25.  PMID: 27857632; PMCID: PMC5106425.


Author information:

(1)School of Biological and Population Health Sciences, Corvallis, OR.

(2)Oregon Institute of Technology, Wilsonville, OR.

(3)Linn Benton Community College, Albany, OR.

(4)BPM Physical Therapy Center, Salem, OR.


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this secondary data analysis was to compare the effect of 2 multimodal exercise-based physical therapy interventions (one with and one without whole-body vibration [WBV] therapy plus traction) on pain and disability in patients with nonspecific chronic low back pain (NSCLBP).

METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of data from 2 distinct samples. One sample was from the Focus on Therapeutic Outcomes Inc. (FOTO) group (n = 55, age 55.1 ± 19.0 years), and the other was the Illinois Back Institute (IBI) (n = 70, age 47.5 ± 13.4 years). Both groups of patients had NSCLBP for more than 3 months and a pain numeric rating scale (NRS) score of ≥7. Both groups received treatment consisting of flexibility or stretching exercises, core stability training, functional training, and postural exercises and strengthening exercises. However, the IBI group also received WBV plus traction. NSCLBP was measured before and after therapeutic trials using the NRS for pain and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI).


RESULTS: The NRS scores were significantly improved in both groups, decreasing by 2 points in the FOTO group and by 5 points in the IBI group. The ODI scores were significantly improved in both groups; the FOTO group score improved by 9 points and the IBI group improved by 22 points.

CONCLUSIONS: The results of this preliminary study suggest that NPS and ODI scores statistically improved for both NSCLBP groups receiving multimodal care. However, the group that included WBV therapy plus traction in combination with multimodal care had greater clinical results. This study had several limitations making it difficult to generalize the results from this study sample to the entire population.


DOI: 10.1016/j.jcm.2016.07.001

PMCID: PMC5106425

PMID: 27857632



97161 PT Evaluation: Low Complexity 

97162 PT Evaluation: Moderate Complexity 

97164 PT Re-Evaluation 

97110 with 97164 Therapeutic Exercise with Re evaluation

97112 with 97164 Neuromuscular Re-Education with Re evaluation

97161-97163 with 97140 Re evaluation with 'hands-on' therapy techniques

97116 with 97164 Gait Training  with Re evaluation

97530 with 97164 Therapeutic Activities with Re evaluation

97140 Manual Therapy Techniques: (Including manual traction, myofascial release, manual lymphatic drainage)

97530 Therapeutic Activities 

97112 Neuromuscular Re-Education 

97535 Self Care/Home Management Training 

97110 Therapeutic Exercise 

97116 Gait Training 

97124 Massage Therapy 

97140 Manual Therapy 

97012 Mechanical Traction 

97032 Electrical Stimulation (Manual) 

97035 Ultrasound/Phonophoresis 

a9270 Vibration (Not Covered Treatment)

97010 Hot/Cold Packs (Not Covered Treatment)

97530 with 97116 Therapeutic Activities with Gait Training 

97127 with 97164 Cognitive Function Intervention with Re evaluation

97140 with 97530 Manual Therapy  with Therapeutic Activities 


Contact Us


Address:  Back Pain Solution Clinic, Inc. 

               827 W. Prairie Ave.

               Hayden Idaho 83835-5459


Phn:  (208) 660-9378

Fax:  (208) 758-8527







The Back Pain Solution Clinic provides long term solutions for back pain. Non-pharma & non-surgical treatments that provide quick pain reduction and long term solutions. Utilizing world class leading spine and back therapy incorporating technologies developed by NASA, and using NuBack Institute's proven treatment protocols, you can end your pain.











No Surgery, No Pain, Just results.

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Let’s Work Together

827 W. Prairie Ave, Hayden Idaho 83835

Tel: 208-660-9378

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© 2021 by Back Pain Solution Clinic

827 W. Prairie Ave, Hayden ID 83835

Tel: 208-660-9378

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Fax: 208-758-8527

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